Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Schedule

To better utilize or resources to meet the needs of our students, we will have a new schedule beginning 1/31/13.  Our lunch is now 2 hours earlier than it has been.

8:00 – 8:20     WTT
8:25 – 9:40     Math
9:40 – 11:55   Non-fiction
11:00 – 11:25 Lunch
11:25 – 11:30 Restroom
11:30 – 11:50 Recess
12:00 – 12:55 IME
1:00 – 1:20     Phonics
1:20 – 2:00     JGB
2:00 – 2:10     Pack-up
2:10 – 3:00     Specials:
                       Day 1- PE
                       Day2- Music/Art
                       Day 3- Computer
                       Day 4- SharpenThe Saw

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Making Our Goals

We have learned that setting goals for ourselves, making step by step plans to achieve those goals, and having the dicipline to follow through with those plans helps make us successful, proud of ourselves, and happy.  One goal I have been working toward is to integrate technology into every lesson possible.  Have you noticed?  I have tried to use the Smartboard and have students use the Smartboard and document camera in most every lesson.  It has taken more time planning but I am please with how much more familiar I am becoming with using it, and it is getting easier for me.  Tell about a goal that you are proud of yourself for achieving.  It can be a personal or an academic goal

What's Happening In Our Class

Math- We are a little over half way through our unit on measurement.   We have learned how to measure length, weight, and capacity in customary measurement.  We just began learning how to measure in these ways using the metric system.  We will end with measuring time.  Our goal is to be able to solve word problems using what we have learned.  To help us meet our goals we are memorizing some facts that are in our agenda and our math journals.  These facts help us change larger units into smaller units, such as changing feet to inches, yards to feet, meters to centimeters, etc.  In mid-February we will begin studying fractions and decimals. 

*You can help your child by challenging them to memorize the measurement facts glued in their agenda on the week of January 2-5.  Also, keep having your child practice their 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s multiplication facts throughout this fourth grade year. 

Reading- We are making sure we can tell the main idea, genre, point of view, and themes of each select we read.  We also identify story elements (main characters, setting, problem, solution) and character traits.  We discuss each selection and prove our opinions and answers with evidence from the text and background knowledge. 

*You can help your child by making sure they are reading from different genres in their nightly reading.  The 40 Book Nightly Reading Challenge helps in this regard because all genres must be filled in by the end of the year.  At this point all students should have read and written a report on at least 20 books. 

Congratulations to these students who were proactive and worked hard all quarter to meet their goal of at least 20 books by Jan. 18!  Mayte, Michelle, Kianna-Rae, Aidan, Hailey, Brianna, Kelly, Giancarlo, Jennifer, Dylan, Parker, and Samantha

·         Report cards will be available on Parent Assist today, Monday, January 28.  Only parents who do not have access to the internet and have requested a copy from school will receive a paper copy.  If you have questions please contact Ms. Cricket in the office.
·         Beginning Thursday, Jan. 31 we will be changing our schedule to better utilize our resources to meet the needs of our students.  Our lunch time will change to 11:00.  We will have specials at the end of the day.      
·         We will have a Valentine’s Day celebration.  A note with the details was sent home on Jan. 28 with your child.
·         Wednesday, February 20th will be an early dismissal at 1:00.
·         Midterm grades will be available on Thursday, Feb. 21st. 

***Third quarter is when we are working hard to master a large part of our most important learning objectives for 4th grade.  Having your child in school for the whole day is very important so they do not miss valuable lessons and practice activities.  Please schedule appointments after school if possible.  If not, the later in the day you can schedule them is best. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Be A Life Long Learner

     I love to learn!  I hope to instill in my students an excitment for learning so they will be life long learners.  My current learning goal is to improve my technology skills.  I have been working on learning to blog, use an ipad, maintain a website, and making many more Smartboard lessons to use with my students. 
     Tell me what you are learning that excites you.  It can be anything from your school subjects to whistling, playing an instrument, caring for a baby brother or sister, or planting a garden.  Remember to identify yourself, and proofread your comment before posting so others can understand you clearly.

Student Leadership Roles

Our mission is to be knowledgeable and productive leaders who have a postive impact on our school and society.  Boys and girls, you decided what leadership roles you felt would be most helpful to our class.  You then filled out job applications telling the leadership role you wished to apply for and what skills made you a good match for that position.  You were then given your leadership role for our class.  I have been most impressed with how you have stepped up and taken on full responsibility for your roles! It is so nice for me to not have to worry about the things you take care of.  When there is a problem concerning your area, you have asked to speak to the class.  You told the class the problem and came up with an agreement with your classmates.  You then reported back to the class on their progress in keeping your agreement.  That is true leadership!  Please write a paragraph describing your leadership role in our class and why your position is important.